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Jadeite Jade

Color from White Jadeite Jade to Lavender to Imperial Green Jadeite Jade

Color from White Jadeite Jade to Lavender to Imperial Green Jadeite Jade

When looking at jade, color is another factor consumers look at Typically, jade is synonymous with the color green, but in reality, there are various colors for jadeite, which are red, yellow, lavender, black, and white. Different groups of people prefer some colors of jade over the other due to special meanings.
Transparency of Jadeite Jade: The Importance of Jade Brilliance

Transparency of Jadeite Jade: The Importance of Jade Brilliance

Transparency of jade refers to how easily light can pass through an object. As light passes through the jade, the color within is reflected, giving the jade its brilliance. The more transparent the jade, the more valuable it will be and you will be able to look through the gemstone to observe its color.
How to Identify Natural Grade A Jadeite Jade: Trained Eyes and Certification

How to Identify Natural Grade A Jadeite Jade: Trained Eyes and Certification

Verifying natural grade A jadeite jade can be tough. According to GIA there are 5 methods anyone can try at home to quickly tell if their jadeite jade.
Symbolism of the Twelve Zodiac Signs: Rat to the Pig

Symbolism of the Twelve Zodiac Signs: Rat to the Pig

When a child is born, they are assigned a unique zodiac animal depending on the year and month that they are born. The twelve Chinese zodiacs each have their own special meaning. This is especially important when choosing to buy jade jewelry with carvings.